About Us
At MedLife®, we believe that a sustainable healthcare system can become a reality. Our mission is to create consultative digital health solutions designed to make healthcare sustainable by managing the entire adult population’s health. Stakeholder engagement and connectivity completes the last mile in health care. We are passionate about the consumer’s right to privacy, ownership, and control of personal health information. This control enables the consumer to share their personal health information with any healthcare network provider of their choosing within and between organization-centric databases and first responders. Thus shifting the medical paradigm from reactive to proactive, episodic to continuous while increasing patient engagement facilitating a more sustainable healthcare system.
Our Story
As a hand surgeon of more than 25 years, Charles Neagle III, M.D., MedLife®’s founder, and CEO saw first-hand the inefficiencies of the healthcare system and the surprisingly common lack of engagement that individuals had with their health. At MedLife® we focus on developing solutions that address the significant issues that affect the healthcare system including economic waste, lack of an effective Health Information Exchange, inadequate consumer privacy and control over their personal health information, and slow adoption of patient-centric medicine. Our vision is to support sustainability, patient centricity, and value-oriented health care while addressing the needs of the entire population, from healthy individuals to those with multiple chronic illnesses.
Our team is privileged to have partnered with visionary organizations and provide them with the right technologies to:
- Enhance patient and provider network engagement
- Increase disease detection
- Ensure treatment plan compliance and efficacy
- Encourage healthy behaviors
- Deliver the highest quality and value care to their patients
- Improve patient outcomes and saves lives
Our Mission
Our mission is to fundamentally transform the healthcare delivery model by providing services that focus on prevention rather than reactive care, continuous connectivity, and self-managed versus passive engagement. We strive to achieve our goal by delivering services and using technology that provide our clients with real-time information to enhance the engagement and connectivity between patients, first responders, organizations, and providers in their patient’s healthcare network.
Our Senior Leadership Team

Charles E. Neagle III, M.D.
Founder & President
Dr. Neagle is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in advanced treatments of hand and wrist conditions.
Dr. Neagle received his B.S. in Biomedical Engineering with Magna Cum Laude honors and Tau Beta Pi honorary election from Vanderbilt University. This curriculum focused on the application of engineering principles to biological processes and required strong problem solving and analytical skills. Dr. Neagle earned his M.D. at The University of Maryland Medical School with Magna Cum Laude honors and Alpha Omega Alpha honorary election. Always interested in the application of engineering principles to treat edical pathology, an Orthopedic Residency was completed at the University of Pennsylvania and a Hand and Upper Extremity Fellowship at the Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Neagle continues to practice Hand Surgery in the North Texas area.

Tom Cavanaugh
Senior Vice President
Tom Cavanaugh is MedLife®’s Vice President of Development. Tom is a business driven, results oriented technology executive with a proven record partnering with corporate executives and implementing fast and effective business solutions.
He has held VP/CIO/Product Development roles at SaaS Software, Inc., Sunglass Hut International, Philips Electronics, Liberty Mutual and IT executive roles at Burger King Corporation and Pepsico.
Tom earned his B.S. in Business Administration and Business Management at the University of South Carolina.